Monday, April 16, 2012

The outcome part 2

Designer babies will  not only instill segregation based on how people look but also by the class and gene pool and skill. The families that can afford to have designer babies will and that is who is going to be given an advantage over everyone else. The gap between the rich and poor will continue to grow because of you are already rich and have the benefits of perfect quality traits given to you, your the one who will get the better jobs and your the one who will end up making more money on top of what you already have. The poor who cannot afford to design their children will not be given the advantage to better jobs that pay better and they will continue to become poorer.

Also think about children who have disabilities now and how they are treated differently. If society were to be able to take away those defects and make people "perfect" than these less fortunate people are going to be tormented. They will not be accepted by the new and perfect society and this is going to cause a segregation in the way that they are not only not a designer baby with perfect genes, they are a normal child who was born with a defect or disability and most likely does not come from a wealthy family.

Designer babies are going to cause so many different problems in the world. So many things can be prevented if only it were illegal to make a designer baby. It should not be allowed no matter what. People need to learn to accept people for who and what they are naturally.

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