Monday, April 16, 2012

The outcome part 1

There are many negative outcomes that can happen if the creation of designer babies is allowed. It is going to cause a lack of diversity in the world.

When creating a baby what skin color is going to be chosen? What eye color? Height? Hair color? All of these things are going to be taken into consideration. This is going to create a fear or a sort of racism in people again. Once this world has come to the acceptance of difference it is going to all change. When people come to this country from another continent for example they might look different and the society that is all the same may not accept this. People who are different will not be accepted for who they are because when you grow up learning that everyone should look the same for the most part, you will not accept someone who is different.

Just as people and society get over racism and segregation it will be brought back into the world. All because people are shallow and think everyone should look the same no matter what the cost. Think about how it is going to affect everyone, think about how these children are going to be raised. This is not the type of world I'd want to live in.

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