Thursday, April 19, 2012

In the world today there are many different people and each person is different in their own ways. In the United States alone there are many different cultures and races and religions even. I think that it is something special to be unique and know who you are as a person, no matter how you were born. There are cases where people have to face difficult things and personally I feel that is what makes you stronger. By creating a designer baby, you are taking away certain struggles someone might have had to face if they were born the "normal" way. The way life is now people have to learn to accept differences and that is what makes the world a great place to live. Being able to love someone for who they are even if they look or act different. If you take that away from society the world will become closed minded and shallow and they will judge based on certain qualities.


Designer babies should be illegal end of story. Creating a world based on looks and ability is a horrible thing to do. It will raise expectations, it will raise hatred and it can cause damage to not only the child that is a designer baby but the people around them. Eventually it will be all about who can do what and who looks a certain way and anyone who was not able to afford it will be looked down upon. Why should the world suffer because there are those few that are shallow and narrow minded now? Those few who think they can just create and there will be nothing bad coming from it, when in fact there is. Just say no to designer babies. 

Monday, April 16, 2012

The outcome part 2

Designer babies will  not only instill segregation based on how people look but also by the class and gene pool and skill. The families that can afford to have designer babies will and that is who is going to be given an advantage over everyone else. The gap between the rich and poor will continue to grow because of you are already rich and have the benefits of perfect quality traits given to you, your the one who will get the better jobs and your the one who will end up making more money on top of what you already have. The poor who cannot afford to design their children will not be given the advantage to better jobs that pay better and they will continue to become poorer.

Also think about children who have disabilities now and how they are treated differently. If society were to be able to take away those defects and make people "perfect" than these less fortunate people are going to be tormented. They will not be accepted by the new and perfect society and this is going to cause a segregation in the way that they are not only not a designer baby with perfect genes, they are a normal child who was born with a defect or disability and most likely does not come from a wealthy family.

Designer babies are going to cause so many different problems in the world. So many things can be prevented if only it were illegal to make a designer baby. It should not be allowed no matter what. People need to learn to accept people for who and what they are naturally.

The outcome part 1

There are many negative outcomes that can happen if the creation of designer babies is allowed. It is going to cause a lack of diversity in the world.

When creating a baby what skin color is going to be chosen? What eye color? Height? Hair color? All of these things are going to be taken into consideration. This is going to create a fear or a sort of racism in people again. Once this world has come to the acceptance of difference it is going to all change. When people come to this country from another continent for example they might look different and the society that is all the same may not accept this. People who are different will not be accepted for who they are because when you grow up learning that everyone should look the same for the most part, you will not accept someone who is different.

Just as people and society get over racism and segregation it will be brought back into the world. All because people are shallow and think everyone should look the same no matter what the cost. Think about how it is going to affect everyone, think about how these children are going to be raised. This is not the type of world I'd want to live in.

What have you done?

Imagine that your youngest daughter is a designer baby. Designed to be beautiful, tall and thin. She has these big green eyes and perfect brown hair that flows in the wind. She's perfect to what you wanted, a daughter who could be a model. The only problem with this scenario is that she is not naturally thin.


Your daughter at a young age found out that she was a designer baby and she some how found out what you created her to be. Her biggest fear in life was that she would let you down and you would regret having her or even wasting these gorgeous features on her. So in order to become this perfect model, she had to starve herself. For years she hid it because it was not a constant thing of starving herself she would do it to maintain a certain weight which most people would find healthy. Eventually it got bad and your daughter had to be put into a program to help her get better.

Was designing your daughter to be a model worth it? How would that make you feel that all she was doing was living up to your standards and your basically the reason she is even in this situation?

Is it worth it?

You and your spouse want to have a child. You both decide it would be nice to have a son to carry out the family name seeing as how you only plan on having one child. You decide that you want your son to be a genius, you do not care about if he is athletic and you do not want him to be one of those pompus teenagers who thinks he is better than anyone else because of looks and abilities. So you go to a doctor and pay to create your child the way you want him to be. You decide on him being smart and try to give him features that would not make him extremely attractive to most people. The mother has red hair so they give the son red hair and freckles and don't make it a point to make him athletic.

Fast foward 18 or 19 years into the future. This same family who paid to have certain qualites in their child got nothing that they asked for. Their son has blonde hair and blue eyes, he is tall and athletic and has a very basic IQ. The son that they raised is arrogant and feels entitled to everything, which is exactly what they did not want. Imagine this happened to you now. How do you feel about your own child? Are you happy he is healthy and might find success in a way you didn't imagine? Or do you hate this kid because he is not what you wanted and you resent every second you have spent with your child? Was paying to create the perfect son really worth it?

Thursday, March 8, 2012

This commercial was made to make people think. What are your views on designer babies? Do you agree with their creation? I wanted to show that this is not a good idea for society, imagine having everyone with the same traits and qualities, we would all look and act the same. Is that what you want for societies future?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My son the athlete

When your first child is born you wonder, what are they going to be like when they grow up. The typical American family wants a beautiful daughter, athletic son, intelligence. This is what scientists are still working on, to be able to fully design your child. If you want your baby to be smart they will be able to do that.

Having a baby is going to be like picking out furniture. "I'd like my son to be tall and athletic please." Since when did it become an option to choose who and what your child will be. You are in a sense taking away the individuality of your children. They will have no sense of self because when they find out they will always know in the back of their heads that they are meant to be something. They were designed to be something.

What if the procedure doesn't work? What if you paid to have your son to be athletic and they are not even able to walk without tripping over their own two feet? Will this change how you look at your son because they were a waste of your money? And when your son finds out that he isn't what you wanted will this change how he acts or looks toward you? All of these things need to be taken into consideration and they aren't. Parents are so worried about what they want their kids to grow up to be that they are willing to possibly destroy a child. They are willing to make their son/ daughter just like everyone else. Is being an athlete that important?

Is it a girl or boy?

In the past of man kind when a woman got pregnant she had what she was having. There was no question asked. It is now possible for a woman and man to choose what sex baby they will have. In order to accomplish this the woman has to undergo In vitro Fertilization. They have to go through a prescreening procedure that can let you know whether or not the embryo will be male or female. This goes against nature. You are meant to have what you are meant to have, you should not be allowed to choose.

To screen the embryo, there first need to be In vitro Fertilization. This usually involves multiple eggs that are fertilized and then the one that is the desired sex (male or female) is chosen and implanted into the woman's uterus. The embryos that are not chosen are then discarded. This is almost like having an abortion, you are throwing away a fertilized egg that can grow into a child. What right does someone have deciding that should not be a child because it is not male or female.

Besides the fact that there is the issue of it being similar to abortion, imagine what damage it can do to a child. The child grows up and learns that they were chosen because of the sex that they are. They start to think, what if I was a girl/boy, would they not love me? Do I meet their expectations? This can do damage to a child because they were chosen as something for their parents, they might feel like something is expected of them.

Parents should be happy if it is a girl or boy. As long as they have a healthy child, who cares the sex of the baby? What difference is it going to make if the baby comes out male or female?

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sacrificing one child for another

Many people argue that designer babies can be a positive thing and helpful thing in many families. Imagine your child has a disease and needs transplants for a specific organ but you have no one who is a match for this child. You then learn that it is possible for you to create a baby that can be a perfect match and will be healthy and able to donate to the oldest child.

The movie "My Sister's Keeper" shows a perfect example of this. Anna was designed by her parents to help her sister Kate who has cancer. The idea of it is great, you have a child whom you love dearly and find out that he/she is sick and can die at any moment and needs transplants for blood or other organs. Creating a child who can help save your first child seems like such a great idea, you will have another child that you get to love and enjoy and at the same time you can help save the life of your first child. But how can this be a great thing if your in a sense harming one child for the sake of another. In the case of Anna and Kate, since Anna was born she was undergoing dangerous operations to help save the live of her sister. She was giving blood transfusions, organs, she had been hospitalized numerous times because of these operations. Her life was put in danger because her parents wanted to save their other daughter.

Is this the right thing to do? Design a child and treat them as if they are dispensable? It is unethical to o this to someone no matter the age. To force one child to give up organs to another just because it can save their life and that's what the child was designed for. This kind of thing can mentally and physically harm a child. They will start to feel like they don't matter to the parents,that they were only created to save their sibling and how they feel or what happens to them isn't going to matter. This child is going to grow up feeling worthless to the family. Not to mention the dangerous operations a child can undergo at a young age and not even have a say about it because they are not of a legal age to argue it. Designing a child to save another may seem like a great thing to do, but think about the harm and risks you can put this "designed baby" through. Is it really worth it?

Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Perfect Society

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you could describe every detail of your baby before it is even born? Today's technology is making things like this possible in the near future. Designer babies started as being able to test for diseases that a baby may be prone to chromosomally or genetically because of the parents. It was used as a way to help a baby from being born with diseases that have no cure and would last a life time. Then it turned into doctors finding a way to determine the sex of the baby. This means you are now able to choose whether you have a boy or a girl. And the newest thing that is being worked on is actually determining what hair and eye color the child will have, or if they will have freckles, pretty much any physical trait that can be thought of they are trying to make it possible to choose. And then eventually these doctors and scientists are going to try and actually alter the babes traits and what they will or will not be good at. In essence if you want your child to be a pro football player, it'll be possible, and if you want your child to be a scientist you'll be able to choose that also. The rich will be able to afford this and the poor will be out of luck. The society will have a divide between a perfect society of wealth, talent and beauty and on the lower spectrum poverty, maybe some talent and maybe some good looks, but none of that will be guaranteed because it will be natures decision.

Is this really the right thing for the human race to be doing? Creating designer babies just for your own gain. None of this is completely possible yet but think about how society is so obsessed with perfection that they are willing to risk anything that can happen to the baby in this process and waste money on making sure their child fits into what most people would consider beautiful and talented and smart. This is not something that people should want to do to their children, it is not natural to decide on character traits and physical features they will have. This is a human life, not a pick and choose catalog to make a doll.